picture from Svenja

Dr. Svenja Guhr

Postdoctoral Researcher


fortext lab, Institute for Linguistics and Literary Studies, Technical University of Darmstadt
Stanford Literary Lab, Stanford University


Research Interests: Modern German Literature, Comparative Literature, 18th-21st Century, Gender and Feminism Studies, Sensual Experiences in and through literary text(s) with a focus on Sound and Loudness

Short Introduction

As a multilingual scholar with 6+ years of experience in computational linguistics and literary studies, machine learning, and multilingual digital text analysis (English, German, French, Italian), thinking responsibility and privacy by design, I bring expertise in: natural language processing, language data collection, curation and analysis, data annotation, data quality assessment, taxonomy design and team management, combined with excellent verbal, editorial, analytical and teamwork skills.


Acceptance of our contribution to NAACL LaTeCH-CLfL SIGHUM

With our contribution we will reopen the discussion on "Rethinking Scene Segmentation. Advancing Automated Detection of Scene Changes in Literary Texts" in Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Acceptance of our long paper at the DH 2025 annual conference

I look forward to seeing you at the annual DH conference of the ADHO in Lisbon, 14.07.-18.07. Check out our paper on "Scene Change Detection in 20th-Century US-American Romance Fiction".

Financial support for my open access publication with Springer Nature

Recently, I received positive responses to my grant applications for financial support for the open access publication of my monograph with Springer Nature (expected in summer 2025).
I am grateful for the agreed support from the Frauen*förderung (FB2 TU Darmstadt), the Early Career Researchers Open Access Publication Funds (TU Darmstadt), and the Open Access Publication Funds of the DHd.

Upcoming or Latest Talks

March 2025

  • 03.-04.03.
    Workshop support and talk "Textannotation in der Lehre einsetzen: Ein Einstieg mit CATMA" at the Annual Conference of the Association of Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries (DHd 2025) at the University of Bielefeld, Germany
  • 12.03., 17:00-18:30
    Invited talk on "Literary Computing of Scene Segmentation, Domestic Space, and Gender Stereotypes" in the lecture series "Code & Kultur" at the Digital Humanities Network of the University of Potsdam, Germany
  • 18.03., 17:00-17:35
    Talk on "Exploring Gendered Stereotypes in US Romance Novels" in the Spinfo workshop at the University of Cologne, Germany

May 2025

  • 04.05.
    Contribution at the NAACL LaTeCH-CLfL SIGHUM Workshop on “Rethinking Scene Segmentation. Advancing Automated Detection of Scene Changes in Literary Texts”, Albuquerque, NM, USA
  • 21.-22.05.
    Invited talk on tbc at the Department of Digital Humanities and Social Studies (DHSS), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Svenja presenting
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Discover how sound is represented in German-language fiction and explore new possibilities through computational analysis.

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Explore research projects on the annotation and automated recognition of sound and space in 19th-century literature using digital methods.